Resources for Boaters


Clean Boating Course
The course is free to everyone who wants to learn more about clean boating and taking care of our waterways.

Clean Water Certification Program
Contains useful information regarding the Clean Water Certification Program, including how to register your boat and pump-out system into the program.

Fighting Invasive Species
TPWD resources for Marinas and Boat Owners to help prevent the spread of invasive species.

Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program (MRRP)The Texas Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program (MRRP) is a statewide campaign to heighten awareness about the negative impacts of monofilament line debris, to decrease the amount of fishing line entering and staying in the environment, and to increase the amount of
line being recycled.

Native Plant Society of Texas
Landscaping with native plants reduces environmental impacts on marina basins, saves money by using less water, needs less maintenance.

Pump Don’t Dump: How to pump out your boat
A short YouTube video demonstrating how to protect our environment by pumping out your boat’s sanitation devices.

Pump-out Guide for Boats
A brochure with tips on using pump-outs and how to maintain marine sanitation devices on boats. It includes a full list of pump-out stations operated by Texas marinas inland and along the coast.

Texas Lake Finder
Use this tool from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to locate lakes around the state. 

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